Founded by Shai Mandel, chef and Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT), Rooks to Cooks is dedicated to teaching food literacy and hands- on cooking while integrating and supporting various curriculum expectations for nearly all subjects for grades JK - 12. Chef Shai’s student-centred workshops emphasize empowerment, healthy eating, and fun. All programs are carefully designed to offer students real-world applications for reading and writing, math, health, science and social studies. Our programs are your student’s recipe for success!

We’re seeking school partners to help make our
hands-on programming more accessible to children and busy
young families. From after-school programs and in-class
workshops, to free community services, we’re here to satisfy your
school’s hunger for fun and learning!

Our workshops have been carefully designed to offer students real-world applications for reading and writing, math, health, science and social studies. From JK - grade 12, our workshops are your students’ recipe for success. Spice up your unit with one of our workshops today!

Choose between 3 program offerings, one for each term of the year.
- Fall term - Fall flavours
- Winter term - Cozy comforts
- Spring term - Sizzling spring
Price is $45.00/participant/week
We will require a minimum of 9 participants and can accommodate up to 12 participants for most program structures

Educate your students on food literacy
and culinary skills with Rooks to Cooks
We’re excited to introduce 4 FREE services designed to bring food literacy to your students.